19 November 2011


Burlesque is a very old and very popular form of entertainment, which began in the 1840s. It was used by the working class performers as a way to mock the upper classes, their traditions, social habits, culture and fashion and many of the performances were spoofs of operas, Shakespeare and other classic literature and plays.
Burlesque is a literary, dramatic or musical work intended to cause laughter by caricaturing the manner or spirit of serious works, or by ludicrous treatment of their subjects.The word derives from the Italian burlesco, which itself derives from the Italian burla – a joke, ridicule or mockery.
The performances relied on mockery and played to the audience's desire for laughter and lust. Due to the 'naughty' nature of the performances, burlesque usually targeted working class men, but as word spread it drew a wider audience including some women keen to witness this social taboo.
Today however it is more about empowering women, encouraging them to embrace their sexuality and femininity and be confident in expressing themselves in a sensual way.

Francesco Lepori - Burlesque (2010)

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